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We support the following payment methonds:
Transferwise,Western Uion,Bank transfer,Moneygram..Both of these payment methods support:Credit card, debit card,Visa card ,bank debit
*what payment methods i can choose?

1. You can choose Transferwise:

The following is our transferwise payment information:
-First Name: Tao
-Last Name: Yang
-Country: China
-Province: Hubei
-City: Wuhan
-Post Code: 430000
-Street:Zhuodaoquan South Road, Hongshan District
-Email: (write please)
-Unionpay card number: 6216 6076 0000 6766 547
-Reference : Friends

(1) Remind Our recipient currency is CNY
(2)Usually it will take 1 days to confirm your payment.

Don’t Know How To Pay With Transferwise? Learn From Following Video.

Signing up and Making your first Transferwise

Making a transfer

2. You can also choose Western Union:

Please Fulfill The Payment By Click Following Link:
The Payment Will Be Sent To:
Card Number: 6216 6076 0000 6766 547
Name Of Bank: Bank Of China
First Name: Tao
Last Name: Yang
Street:Zhuodaoquan South Road, Hongshan District
Post Code:430000
City: Wuhan
Province: Hubei
Country: China
Important Note:
1: Please chooese: Bank Account for Receiver to pick payment.
2: Recommend to chose :”Credit card”or “debit card
3: Please send us the payment MTCN #!
4: After payment done, please send us the screenshot
After You Fulfill Payment, Please contact our customer service With MTCN (10 Figures Sent By Western Union)

3. You can also choose Bank Transfer:

-First Name: Tao
-Last Name: Yang
-Country: China
-Province: Hubei
-City: Wuhan
-Post Code: 430000
-Street:Zhuodaoquan South Road, Hongshan District
-Unionpay card number: 6216 6076 0000 6766 547
-Reference : Friends